The national art honor society at Meridian high school believes that every child should have something to read. Therefore, they’re hosting the love’s book nook, a project in which books will be donated to children who visit love’s kitchen.
“We will be stocking a book box at Love’s kitchen. The children that come to visit there may take a book. They don’t have to pay for a book. They don’t have to check it out. It will be theirs. They can choose what they like and take it home.”
The national art honor society is hosting the book drive due to the major importance of literacy.
“I just think about when I was a kid growing up in the Mississippi delta. We didn’t have much money, as many people of my generation didn’t at that time, but when i got a book i treasured it. it took me places i could not walk to, I could not get in the car and drive to. And that’s what we hope to do with this project, is give these children the world.”
The group believes the project will encourage the youth to be leaders.
“It’s always great to give back. But I think that if we set the example for younger generations and our generation, they will take notice, and they will also follow along. Because you hear a lot of times that this generation, you might not hear such great things, but if we can be leaders and set the example for other people, they can just come along and lead others.”
This group member explains that her passion for reading has inspired her to become the president of the United States.
“I want to accomplish something really big and go to greater heights. Coming from a really small town, born and brought up in a small community, seeing things work in a different manner, I want to be able to speak to other people and represent other people.”