Mississippi State University-Meridian will hold a daylong GRE workshop that’s open to students and community members this Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The workshop will familiarize people with the test and various test-taking strategies.
“Part of the way we’ve designed the course is to introduce people to the test, to kind of take some of the mystery out of the test, and just help people to be comfortable in taking the test, so that what they know can actually come out during the test taking process.”
The GRE, also known as the graduate record examination, is as standardized test that’s required for admission to graduate and business schools. The exam measures a person’s ability in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing. Wilson explains why the workshop will be beneficial to those planning to take the test.
“Being here and being with experts, you can ask particular questions that you wouldn’t be able to ask at home. The professors are also available after this class. We give out our contact information, where you can ask us questions. Also you will be with a group of peers who are asking questions that either you maybe didn’t think of or questions you have that you don’t feel comfortable asking. So it’s a classroom face-to-face environment.”
He shares test-taking advice that will be emphasized at the workshop.
“I would say practice, practice, practice. The easiest way is to get out of the way of yourself with anxiety and stress is to practice the test, being familiar with the test. If you’re here, review things that you even think you know well because you can easily become tripped up.”
There is a workshop registration fee of $45 for MSU students and $65 for all others. Wednesday is the last day to register.
in Mississippi, the GRE is offered throughout the year at various testing centers across the state.