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Business showcase

Chelsea Jones

Over 60 businesses and non-profits showcased their products and services today at the Dulaney center during an annual business and community showcase hosted by the East Mississippi Business Development Corporation. The business and community showcase was held so the public could learn more information about the organizations that serve Meridian.

“There’s several vendors that i really wasn’t aware what they did in the community, and I’ve actually gotten a little more insight. So it’s really beneficial. And for me working at the college, it’s really beneficial to know what’s going on so I can make references and things like that to my students. And I actually might use some of the services myself. So it’s a very good event this year.”

The event also gave organizations the opportunity to form partnerships.

“I’m very impressed. Lots businesses I didn’t know existed here in meridian. It’s a great opportunity to network with other businesses and meet potential patients that we can help here in meridian.”

The showcase is one way that EMBDC hopes to further economic development in the community.

“It’s very important for the EMBDC to help promote the businesses. We not only do chamber of commerce, but we also do economic development. Part of that economic development isn’t just bringing in new industry, but also making sure that the existing industry, and businesses that are here, know that we’re here to support them.”

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