Simone Amos, a senior at Meridian High School, received quite a surprise today during class. She had no idea that she would be the winner of a $1,000 scholarship sponsored by get2college.
“I’m really excited because I’ve been following them on Instagram. I counted down yesterday, and I think they gave away 19 scholarships so far. So I was like ok, hopefully I’m still in the category of getting a scholarship.”
The get2college organization awards scholarships to Mississippi high school students for college.
Amos was one among a hundred winners to receive the award out of 3,000 applicants.
“I’m just very, very happy for Simone. She is a wonderful student with above a 4.0 GPA. She’s worked hard during her whole entire time her at MHS. She’s just a great student. There’s no body more deserving that i can think of.”
Amos submitted an essay that explained her desire to receive a higher education.
“She’s one of those students, she doesn’t need pushing. Everything she has done has been self-motivated. She wrote that essay. I all did was have it in my office for her to get the form and fill it out and do whatever she needs to do. She’s a self-motivated student, and you don’t have to tell her anything.”
Amos plans to use the money towards tuition at Tuskegee University in Alabama.
“Well, I’ll be attending college next year and I need all the money I can get. So I thought this would be a great opportunity because it was based off Mississippi students, and I can take this scholarship to an outside state school. So i thought this would be perfect for me.”