The hungry at Love’s Kitchen got a different meal than normal today. Little Caesar’s in Meridian served slices of pepperoni pizza for lunch.
Each year the local franchise donates pizza to various organizations in the community.
“Little Caesar’s corporation, they have two trucks like this. They serve all over the United States and Canada. We provide the product and the labor, and Pepsi, brown bottling locally, was nice enough to provide the drinks,” said Dixie LaBruyere, who is co-owner of the franchise with her husband, Ken LaBruyere.
This year the franchise chose to serve the Boys and Girls Club of East Mississippi and the food kitchen.
“Fanny does a really good job. She feeds around 150 to 200 meals. So this gives her an opportunity to catch a break. So we came over and feed them,” said Ken LaBruyere.
Those in need each received two slices of pizza, cookies, and a soft drink to wash it all down.
“They like it. Some of them of course are like, ‘pizza!’ You know, they’re having a ball, especially the kids. So it’s a nice little treat,” said Fannie Johnson, executive director of Love’s Kitchen.
Johnson said the kitchen is grateful for Little Caesar’s generosity.
“To me and you, we can go and get a pizza anytime we wanted probably. But a lot of our clients don’t get extra special things like that, that reminds them of moments [like] it’s family time. It’s something different; it’s something extra. For Little Caesar’s to come and do this free of charge, they absorb all the costs. They bring the cooks, the servers, everybody. So it’s just a nice treat for our clients to get something different.”