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Plea from local pastors

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In light of recent violence in the country, several local pastors came together this week to start discussing what Christians can do moving forward.

Reverend Gary Houston believes there needs to be a Christian response to the violence.

“We just wanted to come together because, during a time of prayer, the Lord impressed upon me that we need to be proactive in our community,” Houston said.

Houston – who requested the meeting of ministers – hopes to use the recent events to bring the meridian and Lauderdale county community together.

“We are encouraging our community to pray. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, ‘If my people who are called by my name will pray and seek my face and turn from your wicked ways,’ God says he will hear from heaven,” Houston explained.

Pastor of Life Church says that Houston’s suggested meeting was an act of God.

“Monday evening, I was on my face in the living room where I spend a lot of time with the Lord, and I was on my face before God praying for the city and God burdened my heart a new for the city. As I’m lying on the floor praying, interceding before God, I get a text message. It was pastor Gary Houston texting me wanting to know if I would meet him and some other pastors today to discuss things that we are here discussing now,” Morris said.

Morris says that he believes God has a vision for the Meridian.

“There will be things in our community and our surrounding world that is going to cause Christians to tear down their walls, move across our denominational lines, move beyond the color of our skin, and come together as believers under the cross of Christ,” Morris explained.

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