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Repairs continue at IHOP culvert collapse

Chelsea Jones

In yesterday’s city council meeting, council members approved a bid to replace the drainage structure next to IHOP.

“We received bids from five different contractors. Malouf Construction out of Greenwood was the lowest bidder. Today we recommended an award and the city made an award to Malouf Construction,” said Brian Nettles, the senior project manager at Wagner Engineering.

In total, the project is costing nearly $5.1 million. The city paid $1.2 million last year to stabilize the structure immediately after it collapsed. A federal grant of $3.5 million is also funding the project.

“We were awarded a grant, so it’s imperative that we move forward with this grant so that we don’t lose it. It’s been extended already, so today we voted to approve our portion of $416,000,” said Kim Houston, city councilwoman for Ward 4.

So far, some railing has been put over the sinkhole area. Malouf Construction is on a 180-day contract. They expect to start later this month and hope to be complete by October 11th.

“The project will include removal of the collapsed structure and then placement of a concrete box,” said Nettles.

“It’s actually going to be more durable. It will last longer and it should be able to withstand the weight of any future projects that might happen on that site,” said Houston.

Officials said Malouf Construction will be charged a daily penalty fee if they do not complete the project by the proposed deadline.

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