Youth in Meridian can now learn how to tumble and flip at Excel Gymnastics Academy. It's located in the Broadmoor Shopping Center on Poplar Springs Drive.
“After several months of very hard work and lots of planning, we now have a facility with around 120 girls and boys,” Dixie Tibbetts, the co-owner and head coach.
The center’s ribbon cutting ceremony was today. With summer just around the corner, there’s still space for those who wish to sign up.
“We have students that start at 18 months with their parents. Once you’re potty trained, you can begin classes on your own. Then we go up in age. As long as you’re physically able, we will take you,” said Tibbetts.
The facility trains students in the four competitive gymnastics areas, which are the beam, uneven bars, the vault, and floor exercises. Twelve girls are on the competitive team; they will start competing in the fall.
“What we focus on are strength and flexibility. We focus on skills. We focus on focus and concentration, agility, balance, and coordination. All of those go together to create routines or skills that people want for various other sports as well,” said Tibbetts.
A former gymnast who’s been coaching gymnastics for the past 13 years, Tibbetts said the sport provides a great opportunity for kids.
“It’s important for kids to learn how to set goals and to overcome adversity and to work hard and see what it’s like to start somewhere and not have any sort of skill, and then grown and become competent.”
Tibbetts added that Excel Gymnastics Academy looks forward to starting adult gymnastics classes in the future.