When it comes to creating a new courthouse, five architect firms have expressed interest in getting the job done.
“We’ve got five architects that submitted proposals and we’re currently going through those,” said District 5 Lauderdale County Board Supervisor Kyle Rutledge
Those who submitted proposals were LPK Architects from Meridian, JH&H Architects from Flowood, Belinda Stewart Architects from Europa, Shafer Zhaner Zhaner from Starkville, and Barlow-Eddy-Jenkins from Jackson. Lauderdale County board supervisors said they are looking for the best fit.
“Looking at some of the stuff they’ve done in the past, different buildings they’ve remodeled or new buildings they’ve built, and also the price structure,” said Rutledge.
Last month, the board hired Yates Construction as the construction manager for the project. They plan to hire one of the architect firms to add further guidance.
“Part of it could be remodeling the old court house, building a new building, using the annex, and possibly the federal courthouse where the post office is located, so we’re looking at the different options,” said Rutledge.
And with concerns about how much the project will cost, the board hopes the firm will propose a reasonable budget.
“Taxpayers’ money is what will pay for it, so we want to be good stewards of the taxpayer,” said Rutledge.
He encouraged residents to get involved.
“You know if you have an idea or something about the courthouse, there’s been talks about moving the jail also, so if you have it, please submit your input.”
The board of supervisors will select one of the architect firms at next week’s work session. They hope to make a decision regarding future plans for the courthouse by the end of the year.