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Meridian police mourn loss of police recruit Quentin Pollock

Chelsea Jones

Meridian police are mourning the death of police recruit, Quentin Pollock. He was one of the ten recruits hired to the Meridian Police Department back in July. Police said 21-year-old Pollock was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound around 7:30 Saturday morning in Kemper County.

“Quentin was one of those rare people that when you meet him, you look in his eyes, and you realize that he’s a beautiful human being. It’s very tragic and heartbreaking because we could see the potential and we were looking forward to watching him grow,” said Capt. John Griffith.

The Kemper County Sheriff’s Department is investigating Pollock’s death. Meridian police say it was Pollock’s life-long dream to become a police officer. He was in local police training along with the other recruits, and died the day before they were to head to the state police academy in Pearl.

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