(The following is a press release from MEMA.)
PEARL – Gov. Phil Bryant has declared May 7-May 11 as Hurricane Preparedness Week in Mississippi to ensure residents are prepared for the upcoming tropical weather season. This year also marks the 13-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that devastated the entire Mississippi Coast on August 29, 2005. In October of last year, Hurricane Nate made landfall on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, marking the first time since 2012 our state experienced a hurricane. “Hurricane Nate reminded us that Mississippians can be in the bullseye of a tropical system at any point during hurricane season,” said Gov. Bryant. “With continued preparation and coordination, my goal will always be to save lives and improve our state’s ability to withstand the impact of tropical systems.” The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency will provide valuable preparedness information throughout the week for citizens and businesses on its website and on the social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Personal and community planning are the foundation for preparedness. “Because of the excellent preparedness of our residents, state and local partners, there were no deaths nor injuries due to the Hurricane Nate”, said MEMA Executive Director Lee Smithson. “We cannot allow complacency to set in. Now is the time to prepare for another potentially active hurricane season. Remember, it only takes one to change your life forever.” The Atlantic Hurricane Season officially starts June 1 and runs through November 30. Throughout the week, MEMA will focus on the following preparedness tips: • Tuesday – Family Emergency Plan • Wednesday – Flood Insurance and Financial Planning • Thursday – Pet Preparedness • Friday – Social Media MEMA and various state agencies are also hosting its annual Partners in Preparedness Summit at the Imperial Palace Casino and Resort this week, May 7-11. The Summit will end with the Hurricane Season Press Conference, which will be held on Thursday, May 10th at 12:30PM in Studio A of the Imperial Palace.