Meridian, MS - The official start of the 20th annual Reconciliation Week started early this morning with a Prayer Breakfast from Mayor Jimmie Smith. “It’s about concerns in our community, bringing folks together talking about some of the issues that exist in society and in our community.”
Reconciliation Week started over 20 years ago, after the Lockheed Martin shooting, where a gunman at the Meridian plant shot 14 of his co-workers, killing six of them, before killing himself. Reconciliation Week was created to remember those lost, and help unite, and promote community healing.
“Our community needs a lot of prayer, it’s a lot of stuff going on nationwide, that if you look at the news just about every week there’s a shooting or mass shooting somewhere every other week.” says Mayor Jimmie Smith.
Not only was there breakfast and prayer, but a discussion panel was also had to address Reconciliation needs in the community. Attendees Jarvis Towner, and Will Wall felt the panel was a great way to start conversation of coming together as a community.
“I think anytime we can come together, especially black and white, we can learn from each other, learn about each other, it's always a good thing.” says Jarvis Towner
“We need to continue a dialogue, continue to have conversations about how God has created us to be in this city here and now for a time such as this that we work together to see the name of Jesus be glorified.” says Will Wall
The Mayor Says he hopes the Prayer Breakfast and the Panel was a successful way to help bring the community together in unity.