Quitman, MS - According to Clark County Supervisor of District 5, Mickey Long, one of the main issues needed to be addressed in today’s meeting was mailboxes and upcoming road projects. “In order for us to do our state aid road projects that we have coming up, we have to make sure our residents in our district on these particular roads are put in coherency with what the State Aid requires, in other words they need to meet state aid requirements.”
Long says according to State Aid Requirements, some residents may have to move their mailbox. “Some of them that means just moving the mailbox back, some of them that means changing the post that their mailbox is on. There are different forms of criteria for different mailboxes.”
Long stated residents had been contacted before about this issue, but expressed residents can call their district supervisor for any concerns. “After today, we’re still going to be trying to contact these people if they are on the list and it hadn’t been improved, we’re going to be coming around and talking with everyone to see what we can do to get these problems resolved.”
The District Supervisor says it is important to make sure to meet with these residents to get mailboxes moved back, in order to complete State Funded projects.