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CPR Training in Meridian


Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Meridian MS - The American Heart Association held this class for school teachers today. They were trained in how to do CPR and learned what to do if CPR is needed.

Jennifer hopping is executive director of the American Heart Association. “So, the American Heart Association really is focused on improving the chain of survival for those that suffer from a cardiac arrest. And part of that chain is CPR.”

Jennifer hopping is executive director of the American Heart Association.

She explains just how much CPR is needed in the classrooms. “So, in Mississippi, we have legislation that requires CPR education before graduation. So, our goal today is to teach nurses and teachers within schools how to go back to their schools and train their students and faculty, how to perform what we call hands on CPR.”

Learning effective ways to include CPR in schools, union public school district director of operations, WT Smith, now plans to encourage CPR in his school district. “Helping with our administrators and our professional development here, just beginning of the school year to get our teachers certified and get our teachers to be able to teach our students and our coaches.”



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