Meridian, MS - The return of dangerously hot temperatures, and looking for ways to stay cool, means big things for Colby Cumberland, the assistant manager of Meridian’s Ice Plant. “When it’s hot, we sell ice. The Ice sells itself; we just hope we can make enough of it.”
Due to the recent pattern of hot temperatures, he’s noticed an increase in the need for ice. “A lot more people are buying ice as hot as it is with record temperatures. They just buy more ice, and we try to keep up with them.”
Ice is not the only thing being kept up with during this heat. Home Instead On-boarding specialist Sarah Allison feels looking out for the elderly should be a priority as well. “Because of the changes in your body as you age, their bodies may not produce as much sweat, which is one of the things your body does to help cool itself down, their skin may not be able to do that easily which means they are more likely to retain heat for a lot longer.”
Sarah also encourages what to do to make sure the elderly adults are properly cool when inside. “Watch the thermostat, try to set it at a reasonable level, but keep the older adult from shutting it off if possible.”
Heat indices expected to rise tomorrow and through this weekend. The extreme heat is expected to last through next week.