Meridian MS- Meridian City Council made the decision in February to move funding from unfilled positions out of each city department’s budget and into the legislative fund, which is controlled solely by council members.

A decision that some say is impacting public safety and causing a backup in work projects.
“A lot of grass to cut, a lot of overtime, especially with the sun shining, we’re not able to use right now until we receive some of that money back into our overtime accounts.” - David Hodge
Public Works Director David Hodge is one of those experiencing difficulty from this decision.
"For the last several months we’ve been asking for the money to be moved back, we need at least $100,000 or more to finish out the budget year."
While the repeated requests to the council to get back some of the funding have been denied. Mayor Jimmie Smith is concerned about the public.
“We’re constantly putting these things back in front of the council and trying to educate them. We just put three proposals to end the budget. So, we’re constantly working towards trying to educate everybody and get them on the right page to do the right thing.”