Meridian, MS - According to the Mississippi High School Activities Association, some High School football games are being delayed due to the dangerous heat. However, Lauderdale County’s Assistant Superintendent of school improvement and student services Victor Gilstrap says the games will not be affected.
“We will not be delaying football games, once that rule of protocol came out from the High School Activity Association, they were specific by saying that it will not affect game times.” says Gilstrap.
Although games won’t be delayed for the school district, West Lauderdale Head Football Coach Brock Clay believes they are taking the necessary precautions to keep their players safe. “We got the cooling tubs we give the kids at practice every day, we’ve got water available, we don’t extend our periods very long, so you know they’re able to get plenty of water and stay hydrated.”
As For Meridian High School, Coach Marcus Boyles believes the delay their game time in will be beneficial. “We delayed our game this week with Quitman to 7:30, which I think will be a little bit better because the sun will be almost set by that time, so you know once the sun goes down it does cool off some so, I think that’s going to help some.”
The school districts and coaches say when it comes to the heat, the safety of students and players are the main priority.