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Lauderdale County Residents vote on proposed CTE Center Bond.


Meridian, MS - Residents made their way out to schools in Lauderdale County to vote on a $12.5 million dollar bond issue, proposed for a Career & Technical Education Center for the district.

“The CTE Building would be a wonderful thing for our young people.” says Anita Quinnelly

“I think the high schools need a center like that.” says Marcus Quinnelly

While they may agree the center would benefit the students, residents Anita, and Marcus Quinnelly express their concerns on the $12.5 million dollar bond. “With the economy the way it is our money is tight already, and this is going to tie us into 20 years of paying this back." says Anita. “We don’t need to spend that kind of money on a center.” says Marcus.

Resident Griffin Parker also disapproves of the budget and emphasizes what he feels should be done if the project does not come to pass. “I have several problems with it: first off I feel like taxation is theft, second off, I don’t like the way they went about doing it, they could’ve put it on an election coming up in another month, and I think that the board members that voted for it, and the superintendent ought to be held liable for it and have to pay back the money if this doesn’t pass.”

Many people in the community came out to cast their vote and have their voices heard to impact the community and its students.



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