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Lauderdale County School District held third annual Day of Service


Meridian, MS - When you get older, things like yard work aren’t as easy to take care of by yourself.

That is exactly why these generous High school students volunteered to help out the elderly in their community.

The property owner, Jeffrey Martin, explains what it means to have these students come help him in a time of need.

“I’ve been disabled since February, and I can’t get out a do this. My deacons came and cut the grass, and now these kids have showed up and this is just blowing me away. It’s just absolutely fabulous what they’re doing.”

A student from West Lauderdale High School shared with Twin States News why he decided to volunteer today.

“Community is key, and having a good community around you is a key factor in life. Maybe one day we get old and need some help too," says Michael Carroll.

The United Way was also on-site getting their hands dirty this morning.

“United Way always wants to help better our community. What better way than to come out, bring supplies, and have volunteers that come and do an effort together," says United Way's Executive Director of East Mississippi, Kym Parnell. "I’ve always heard many hands make light work, so we’re all working together as a community to be able to make a difference and help someone that can use our assistance at a time like this.”

There was one more special guest in town today to do some volunteer work.

Miss Mississippi, Vivian O’Neal, shares the importance of this kind of service.

“I’m so excited to be able to support these students as they’re going out and getting involved in different community projects. Serving the individuals in their community, I think that has an incredible impact but a lasting impact, and that’s really what makes a huge difference.”



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