Meridian MS - Carolyn Martin is an administrator at Feed by Faith in Meridian. The non-profit is known for serving food and giving back to the community. “We're so grateful for the client because they are showing us that there is a need for of hunger here in our community.”
Local Pastor Rhett Payne points out that “Feed by Faith’s mission’ has not gone unnoticed. “We see the work that they're doing here. Ms. Coleman and Ms. Martin are doing a tremendous job They're doing a great work here. And we heard about it last year. We saw what they did. We contributed last year and made it again, our priority to do that this year.”
A donation to Feed by Faith was made by Senior Pastor Payne’s “let’s talk ministerial group”. “Let's talk” is a group of pastors. Interracial, interdenominational, that gather together all the time to try to work towards reconciliation in the community.”
Carolyn Martin is very happy to do what she does. "We appreciate Ms. Coleman establishing Feed by Faith to be able to feed the clients here, three days a week. And we have them come in enormous, enormous amounts to be fed."
Feed by Faith says they are very thankful and promises to continue to serve the community.