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Meridian Public School District Distributes Summer Learning Packets

Celeste Smith

Today in Meridian, the Meridian Public-School District was passing out summer learning packets for pre-K to 12th grade students, to keep their skills sharp over the summer after school ended early due to COVID-19.

From 8am to 3pm, the packets were available for pickup in a drive through fashion at TJ Harris

Lower Elementary School, where cars were able to drive up and receive a packet that correlated with their student’s grade. The packets are expected to provide enough practice coursework for a student to work on a page or two a day, for at least a month.

“Our students –that with COVID, they have been out of school since right at March on spring break, so our curriculum department has put together packets to help our students to fill in those gaps during the summer to give them some additional practice”, said LaVonda Germany, MPSD Elementary Curriculum Director.

The summer learning packets include practice for English, Language Arts, and Mathematics, and the packets for high schoolers also include ACT test prep.



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