Meridian, MS - According to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife the state's deer population could soon reach record levels, therefore they are asking hunters to hunt more deer.
“I think it would prevent a lot of accidents on the highways, I mean there’s not a day that I don’t go home in the afternoon, especially cool evenings where you don’t see deer on the side of the road.” says Christine Hemphill.
Christine Hemphill is General Manager of 601 Sports in Meridian and believes hunting more deer is beneficial to the community. “If you reduce the population, it’s less likely for us to have accidents, or car insurance go up, it just prevents a lot, plus obviously health insurance if you get injured.”
Speaking of being injured, Joe Hudson’s Collision Repair Parts manager Joey Pigg encourages drivers to be watchful for deer as the weather begins to cool down. “The Deer start moving a whole lot more, so they start crossing the roads and interstates, that leads to more accidents.”
Christine Hemphill emphasizes how hunting more deer can be helpful in more ways than one. "There’s things out there like hunters for the hungry, allows people the opportunity to donate your deer meat, and hopefully save lives, and provide people some food if they’re shorthanded.”
Hunters say if more people hunt to reduce the population, it can not only help feed others, but cut down on deer related accidents as well.