Philadelphia, MS - The State of Mississippi has found its new Songwriter of the Year. The 2023 MS Songwriter of the Year competition was held in Philadelphia, MS over the weekend.
Owner and producer Melissa Townsend shares what all goes into the competition. “We take songwriter applications from all over our state, and they all are judged and brought down to the top fifteen. So, the top fifteen perform live and one winner is announced.”
This year’s event was also sponsored by Brothers David and Grant HoneyCutt of Woodstock Furniture who presented this year’s “People’s Choice Award” to Scott Fieber of Philadelphia, MS. “Local Communities all vote on who they think is the best, and the person who gets the most votes wins the People’s Choice Award.” They actually had 22,000 people vote throughout the entire state. It’s the most they’ve ever had.”
“I’m glad I have the support from friends, family, and a community of songwriters and I’m just pretty excited about it.” - Scott Fieber People's Choice Award Winner
Speaking of excitement, after all fifteen songwriters performed, Naomi Taylor was named the 2023 Mississippi Songwriter of the year, and now she looks forward to what’s next. “It feels really good. Feels like a lot of hard work has been paid off and I’m just excited I get to share my songs. I’m looking forward to recording, writing more, and sharing the songs with more people.”