Meridian, MS - It is election day in the State of Mississippi, many people made their way to the polls today to exercise their right to vote.
“We had plan to get out and vote today, exercise that right, so here we are.” says Marshall Gilmore
“I thought it was just important for me to come out and be a part of this democracy we’re a part of, and having the opportunity to vote, I wanted to take advantage of it.” says Terry Stennis
Residents Marshall Gilmore, and Terry Stennis express the importance of voting. “It gives you a right to have an opinion on things, that’s your right so you might as well get out there and do it.” says Marshall Gilmore.
“If you have an opportunity to vote, you’re of age, go out and voice your opinion because if you don’t vote then whatever happens you have to just kind of live with that, but you have a choice, and we want to take advantage of being able to choose." says Terry Stennis.
Speaking of having a choice, Conner Shirley of Meridian explains his decision to come out and vote for the first time today. “I think it’s important for especially young people to start off young, and being a part of the community, coming out and giving your say so, not just doing cause a crowd does it, but doing it because it’s what we need to do.”
Conner also feels voting plays a huge step in transitioning to adulthood. “Makes me feel grown, It’s the first big thing I can do once I turn 18, being an adult, and I think it’s a good start. “