Meridian MS - It’s the time of the year known for green grass and sunshine, and many student athletes have caught spring fever:
“You know, football season, working out, and transitioning from the weightroom to the field. “
For companies like R&C landscaping and lawn service, there’s no slowing down. “This is our busiest time of year. We get about 45, 55 calls a day. You know, it's hard to get a hold of us. We're out there working constantly, and yards are growing.”
The owner of R&C Landscaping and Lawn Service, Richard Bordis, explains what all the spring intel's for his company. “A lot of spring weeds and whatnot and everybody wants to cut their yard so short, and a lot of people call me about shrubs, because they think they’re dead.”
He also stated why this spring is a hard transition. “We had a hard freeze where it dropped from 77 degrees, and it has wreaked havoc on everything landscaping wise to the grass. So, it's a big transition this year to get everything back right.”
As the community transitions to spring, companies such as R&C Landscaping and Lawn service promise they are doing their best to keep the community clean for spring.