Livingston, AL: January's Golden Apple teacher of the month is University Charter School first-grade teacher Carla Egbert. After nineteen years of teaching she has learned that keeping first graders engaged is the key.
"I like to think about every lesson that I do and try to make it fun. I like to get puppets out and interact with the kids. If I'm reading a story, I'm going to read it in different voices. Just to get them engaged and get them excited about whatever we're gonna learn about. I love interacting with my students and just forming those relationships with them and then just the ah-ha moments they have when they learn new things and they get excited about learning. Specifically, in first grade, I love watching them learn to read and just the growth that you see and the excitement they have about learning" stated Egbert.
Mrs. Egbert says the Golden Apple Award is a privilege and a testament to the teacher's hard work. "It is nice to be recognized and I believe we are nominated by parents and families, which is just the ultimate compliment because I feel like as a teacher I'm nothing without my parents and their families. It's a true partnership, we have to work together. I couldn't do it by myself. Above everything, I want my students in my classroom to feel loved to feel safe to feel encouraged, and accepted. And I want them to be lifelong learners. So, I want them to be excited about learning, I want them to know that learning is not boring and that it is fun. I want them above all to feel loved and accepted and safe in my classroom environment but also to just be excited about learning."